REINERT Products for raw Sausages
Raw sausage counts to the most challenging products. With our assortment you obtain safer maturing and colour stabilisation and thus improved shelf life and development of flavour.
Our Range at a glance:
agent for fast maturing
well balanced sugar mixture, for natural maturing
taste enhancer/ refiner
complete compounds, ready for cuttering
SPICES resp. Mixtures
- achieves fast sliceability
- achieves fast and stable reddening
- guarantees hygienically safe products
- allows considerably reduced maturing time
- refines flavour and taste
REINOFIX® RAPID is an universal agent for any kind of fast matured raw sausages. Such sausagess make a considerable contribution to the total production of sliceable raw sausages in some countries. Whereas former the production of fast matured raw sausages lead to unsatisfactory results, today improved additives resp. compounds and exact monitoring of climatic conditions during maturing allow satisfactory and flawless results. The properties of REINOFIX® RAPID are indispensable to achieve this.
- stabilises the maturing
- refines flavour and taste
- accelerates the reddening
- achieves stable colour
- reduces the production risk
REINOPUR® is an ingredient for naturally matured raw sausages. Naturally, over a long period, fermented and dryed raw sausages count to the highest-grade meat products. Their manufacture calls for a careful selection of raw materials, sophisticated know-how and particularly matched additives. Specific risks are delayed and unsufficient reddening, no or reduced sliceability, errors in flavour and rancidity. REINOPUR® verifiably protects against these errors.
Taste Refiners
- improves the taste
- allows a reduced salt dosage
and is suitable for all sausages and canned meat products. SCHMAKIN® types are various mixtures with taste enhancers, sugars, flavours, natural spices and herbs. SCHMAKIN® amplifies the typical taste and moderates the salty taste in the product.
moderates the salty taste
improves the reddening
enhances the typical flavour
REINERTOSE® is a well-balanced combination of sugars for meat proucts and sausages, besides this performs important technological tasks and contributes to the shelf life considerably. The special sugar combination moderates the taste of the salt content which is needed due to technological reasons, to a level which is agreed as delicate. Furthermore, the generation of the curing colour is stabilised.
- guarantees a sure and fast reddening
- improves the colour stability
- retards the spoilage of fat
RECORBIN® is an universal reddening aid for meat products. The generation of curing colour due to the reddening of meat respectively blood is a complicated bio-chemical process. In certain ph-ranges the curing resp. reddening is accelerated in the presence of reduced substances like ascorbic acid. This leads to a longer freshness, too. The respective RECORBIN® types are adjusted to various products (thin calibre wieners/ frankfurters, raw cured products or salami) to produce a strong and stable curing colour