Spices/ Blends for Fish Products and Deli/ Finefood
To make fish not only a healthy but also very tasty food, we create for you well-balanced seasonings and spice mixes. Benefit from our longtime experience!
Deli Food
For the production of dressings, mayonnaise and sauces we have a wide range of flavours and seasonings for you.
Natural Flavours and Essences
- Aalrauch-Aroma (eel-smoke)
- Aufguss-Essenzen (sour infusion)
- Dill-Essenz-Aroma (dill-essence flavour)
- Estragon-Essenz-Aroma (tarragon-essence flavour)
- Zwiebel trüb oder klar (onion, turbid or clear)
- Sellerie-Essenz-Aroma (celery-essence flavour)
- Zitronen-Aroma (lemon flavour)
- Chilli-Aroma (chillie flavour)
- Pfeffer-Aroma, weiss oder schwarz (pepper flavour, white or black)
- Knoblauch-Aroma (garlic flavour)
- all exotic fruit flavours
- more flavours upon your enquiry
Special Sauces for all Applications
i. e. for herring filet in cream sauce, dill, champignon, herbs, curry etc.